Thursday, 2 January 2014


Venue: The Pavilion, Cork, Ireland.

After 15 years, 4 albums, numerous members and many good times; Fred the band have decided to call it a day. The decision was accompanied not by grief, but by a celebration of life. A 'fun'eral. A number of testimonials were held around the country; Dublin, Galway, Clonakilty and Cork City amongst them.

The Last Hoorah, as it was known, was a resounding success for the resigning band. I attended the second-last hoorah, December 27th (it has taken me so long to write this blog due to the cocktail of inebriation and poisonous hangover that is Christmastime) in the Pav, Cork. An early show, scheduled purely to accommodate the fan-girling, pathetic fans desperate to see the band perform one last time.

Songs were dragged up from repertoire lists long forgotten, albums of old and tunes of late. Band members down through the ages were summoned to the stage, and the nostalgia was roaring. The gig finished with all attributes of Fred on the stage (spilling over the edges) and the crowd, chanting 'Two Million People Can't Be Wrong'; a momentous moment.

It's hard to believe this Corkonian band that we're all so proud of have packed it in, for once and for all. All the same, a (reassuring) voice in my head says that this won't be the last of Fred the band.......

It can't be, right??

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